Kingsmead School

Every day is a new day; great today better tomorrow

Liz Sanger


Welcome to our school


ingsmead School is a specialist provision that  aims to support all pupils with their individual needs. We recognise all of our pupils as individuals who deserve access to an exciting range of learning and life experiences or opportunities that will equip them with the skills and confidence they will need to thrive in a modern society, long after they have left us. This is reflected in everything we do in school and as a school community.  We don’t stand still;  we reflect and see all day-to-day experiences (some more challenging than others) as opportunities to reflect, learn and grow together as a community that embodies our school vision:

Great today: better tomorrow. 

We firmly believe in giving pupils the tools to manage their own attitudes to their education and learning experiences, progress and behaviour. We provide positive reference points for pupils to reflect upon and grow from. We believe in establishing strong and supportive relationships with parents and carers, recognising the power of a ‘team around the child’ as another important factor in pupils’ success during their time with us.
We are very proud of our developing and growing provision: our school is a special place to attend every day for the brilliant pupils and dedicated and ambitious staff team who work here. We live by the mantra, “we never give up” and this spirit is something our staff and pupils embody in all we do, as we work together to all be the best we can possibly be. 
I hope that you find our website helpful and informative and that it gives you a sense of our success, the opportunities we provide, and just what a truly amazing place our school is to work and study.
