At Kingsmead School we offer an engaging curriculum designed to inspire and challenge our pupils to make outstanding progress in aspects of their life and learning.

Pupils will follow the National Curriculum but the approach will be enquiry and nurture based, with a strong emphasis on the development of social and emotional awareness, resilience and self-regulation.

Pupils follow the National Curriculums for KS3 and KS4. Teachers build on the knowledge and skills that pupils have been taught at Key Stages 1 and 2, so where gaps in knowledge and skills are identified, pupils will always be given opportunity and time to revisit these, as appropriate, across all subjects. Many of our learners join us with significant gaps in education and/or social skills. We ensure that our students are given the opportunities to learn and explore the world around them safely and appropriately, so they are ready for life beyond school. Interventions may be used to meet need and this supports all pupils in achieving outcomes in Key Stage 4. We have a strong focus on our nurture curriculum which is designed to support pupils through a holistic approach in bridging previous learning gaps in a nurturing environment. Through the use of a topic based curriculum designed to engage and enthuse pupils there is a strong emphasis on knowledge acquisition, cross-curricular learning and development of social and emotional resilience and critical thinking skills. An evolving KS4 pathway will also look to including further work on emotional regulation, metacognitive strategies, life skills, school engagement and skills for building positive relationships while working towards ASDAN outcomes in PSD: further enhancing the offer and the nurture curriculum as a vehicle to support pupils in working towards accessing a traditional core curriculum in key stage 4 and beyond.

Our Hybrid and Nurture students benefit from a broad and balanced Nurture curriculum which consolidates core subject learning, teaches specific learning and social skills, re-engages learners and prepares them for life beyond Nurture. The Nurture curriculum is designed to provide a holistic, personalised approach to learning and enable our students to be involved in a range of opportunities and experiences in a safe and structured environment. Lessons aim to encompass a variety of activities to scaffold and extend learning in a way that sparks curiosity thus facilitating ‘buy in’ and engagement with learning for life.

Our Nurture and Hybrid students are also supported through S.E.L.F which is our Social and Emotional Learning Framework based around our school values of RESPECT. In addition to S.E.L.F, students have access to a broad offer of subjects. The Nurture and Hybrid pathways enable our staff to develop sequences of learning which are appropriate for the current learners, considering their previous learning experience, knowledge gaps and support pupils in reaching their potential. We have the same high expectations of pupils despite the pathway they learn within. There is no barrier to achievement and a Nurture pathway does not restrict their access to high quality academic experiences or qualifications appropriate for their next steps.

As part of the core curriculum offer in years nine, ten and eleven, better suited to those pupils who are able to manage transitions between classrooms, have a greater need for movement and are able to apply their skills for learning more independently, pupils continue to access the KS3 and KS4 national curriculums. Pupils in key stage 4 work towards appropriate qualifications in English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science and ICT. Pupils are provided with opportunity to shape their learning by pursuing qualifications in our “options” subjects which include Design Technology, Sport, Food and Art. There is also a strong focus on careers and guidance to ensure all pupils get the support they need to make the necessary steps into the next phases of their education/employment. New opportunities offered by Prince Trust qualifications and learning opportunities via Themed curriculum, also support pupils in P16 readiness as they focus on the development of their social skills via different learning opportunities within and beyond school.

Pathway Core Nurture Hybrid
Pupils Pupils with higher levels of social/emotional resilience and confident independent learners Higher levels of learning anxiety, low levels self-awareness/emotional regulation, complex SEMH often co-morbid with other areas of SEN Blend of nurture and core pupils where elements of nurture support are still required to facilitate engagement and meet SEMH need.
Statutory Content/Accredited Courses

National Curriculum. GCSE/Level 2 qualifications. Entry Level outcomes and Prince’s Trust opportunities.

National Curriculum. GCSE/Level 2 qualifications. Entry Level and ASDAN outcomes  (shaped by individual needs of pupils) National Curriculum. GCSE/Level 2 qualifications. Entry Level outcomes, ASDAN and Prince’s Trust opportunities.

In key stage 2 the curriculum aspires to be exciting, engaging and meaningful. Many of our pupils join us with significant gaps in learning and social skills meaning pupils are given the opportunity to build on previously taught skills. Through the curriculum we aim to promote positive attitudes to learning by focusing on the individual needs of our pupils. We aim to re-engage pupils and understand that fundamentally all pupils are unique.

The topic based approach aims to provide cross-curricular learning which meets the requirements of the National Curriculum but also aims to extend a world of opportunities and possibilities to our pupils. The curriculum is designed to provide a range of engaging and purposeful learning experiences which allows all pupils to grow as learners. We strongly believe that pupils learn best when experiences are first hand and lessons are delivered in a variety of ways to suit different learners. Skills, knowledge, attitudes and values are developed through the curriculum to enable our pupils to prepare for their next stage of learning. Embedded across all curriculum areas is the schools’ value of RESPECT.

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