At all our school sites, staff can support you and your child to find the most appropriate and safe way to get to school. We think it’s important to review transport options regularly, recognising that being confident with transporting ourselves is a huge part of the learning journey. We can offer independent travel training for those who need it. Please click below on some of the options available for your child when attending school with us…

Many pupils get to Kingsmead school and provisions by using Derby City bus services. During your induction you will talk through how to apply for a bus pass, a refund of fares (if approved) or whether other options of transport would more suitable. Please ask any member of staff about this and we’ll be happy to help you find out the right information and support.*

*These are online applications that parents/carers  ONLY can fill out.

Some pupils who attend Kingsmead School may be entitled to a taxi to transport them to our various sites or provisions. During your induction you will talk through whether you are eligible or not or whether other options of transport would more suitable. Please ask any member of staff about this and we’ll be happy to help you find out the right information and support.*

*These are online applications that parents/carers  ONLY can fill out.

Kingsmead School has minibuses and designated drivers that help all of our schools and provisions. This could be to provide transport for a school trip, a regular alternative provision as part of a timetable or to transport hot food and cold food across the sites. Whilst we value the support that our minibuses bring, we also encourage all able students, to become independent with transporting themselves to their timetabled sessions. Please speak to a member of staff at your particular Kingsmead school site to gain more information about our school minibuses.

Please click the link to read about Cycle Safety.

Home to School Travel Service – 2023 – 2024

What help with home to school transport is available?

Home to School Travel Service Bulletin (February 2023) outlines the types of travel assistance available for eligible pupils aged 5 – 16 (pre-16) & 16 -19 (post-16).

Travel assistance for pre-16

Travel assistance for post-16

For further information visit Home to school travel – Derby City Council