Attendance is vital to your child achieving their full potential at Kingsmead School and, as a school, we will work with you to improve your child’s attendance and enhance their chances of achieving well. We aspire for all our pupils to reach good attendance of 95% and above (Zone 1). Pupil attendance is monitored regularly in school and pupils with good or improving attendance are rewarded.
At Kingsmead School we also have an Attendance Team, who will work closely with you to help improve your child’s attendance. If you do have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance then your first port of call is your child’s key worker or Family Support Worker.
If you have any queries regarding the legal process around attendance Our Education Welfare Officer is Adele Jones. There are occasions when we may have to refer families to this service to gain further support and guidance to help improve attendance.
Contact Staff:
Director of Attendance and Safeguarding: Jemma Tague – 01332 973834
DSL & Attendance Lead: Lucy Gascoigne – 01332 477160
Education Welfare Officer: Adele Jones – 01332 641124

If your child is feeling unwell and you are not sure if you should send them to school,
Click here (https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/)for helpful advice.
Below are some useful resources to help support you with your child’s attendance.