Lucy Gascoigne

Attendance Lead & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Liz Sanger

Headteacher / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

James Mather

 Deputy Headteacher (SENCO) /  Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Do you feel worried or unsafe? Are you concerned about something that is happening to you or a friend? The Safeguarding Team are staff in school who can help. If you need to talk to someone, ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding team.

You can also speak to someone on the NSPCC Helpline.

If the concern is an immediate safeguarding risk or a child is in danger please call the police on 999.

You may also want to discuss your concerns with a Social Care Worker. The First Contact Team deals with all concerns about children and young people across the city. You can contact them Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 5 pm. Telephone: 01332 641172.

Derby City Care Line is the out-of-hours emergency social work service for people living in or visiting Derby. You can contact them on 01332 956606